If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc regarding our bargaining award, please email them to:
In Solidarity,
CUPE 1974 Exec. and Stewards
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc regarding our bargaining award, please email them to:
In Solidarity,
CUPE 1974 Exec. and Stewards
Hi All,
Just wanted to give a quick little update about this site. I`m just getting the hang of how to use and update it. I have added our next General Membership Meeting under the events section and I`ve begun updating the Contact Us section. Baby steps.
I should have all the information updated very soon, and I thank you for your patience.
In Solidarity,
Haley Somerville
Communications Committee
The Election Committee has been working hard to maintain integrity during the process of planning this election, so that all members’ interests have been considered.
All current and retired members are welcome to attend this general meeting & election.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, March 30, 2019, for this important meeting.
Please remember that the doors will be open at 9am for registration.
The composite bargaining committee which includes members from Cupe 1974, as well as members from the former Opseu locals, have met with the employer throughout November and will continue to do so until a deal is reached.
We have taken what the committee deemed the superior language from all the collective agreements involved in the merger and have made proposals to the employer. This includes local issues as defined in Local 1974 c/a as well as superior benefits and wage harmonization.
We will give more updates as information becomes available.
We were successful in our 11-7 shift premium policy grievance. On the go forward all 11am-7pm shifts will receive the evening premiums that the hospital arbitrarily took away. This award will include back pay for any premiums lost going back 18 months. This payment will be arriving, for anyone applicable, just in time for the holidays.