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Due to unforeseen circumstances our general membership meeting this Saturday has been cancelled. Our next meeting will be Monday February 26th.

We are compiling an email list so we can update the membership on events, merger info, local issues etc. Please take the time to fill out the contact form below. Please pass it along to other members to fill this out or contact the office @ 6011 with their email. 



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Announcing the new Executive team for Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC)

A message from Dr. David Pichora, HDH CEO and Inaugural CEO of the Kingston Health Sciences Centre

It has been months since KGH and HDH announced our intention to integrate our two hospitals to form a Kingston Health Sciences Centre. Since then, a great deal of work has been taking place to ensure we become legally one by April 1, 2017. This has included the process of identifying the inaugural executive team that will lead us into the future.

Today, I am pleased to announce that the new Executive Team for the Kingston Health Sciences Centre has been confirmed. The team reporting to me as of April 1 will include:

• Silvie Crawford, Executive Vice-President and Chief Nursing Executive
• Troy Jones, Executive Vice-President and Chief Information Officer
• Mike McDonald, Executive Vice-President of Ambulatory Services
• Brenda Carter, Regional Vice-President Cancer Care and Vice-President, Performance and Quality
• Elizabeth Bardon, Vice-President, Missions and Communications
• Sandra Carlton, Vice-President and Chief Human Resources Officer for KHSC and Providence Care
• J’Neene Coghlan, Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
• Dr. Roger Deeley, Vice-President of Research

The candidate for the Chief of Staff/Vice-President Medical Affairs position for the integrated centre has not yet been identified as the process for selection is still underway. It is expected to be several more weeks before this is complete.

The new executive team will assume responsibility once the new corporation is legally formed, which is still anticipated to occur on April 1, 2017.

Current members of both the HDH and KGH executive teams will continue to have all of their current responsibilities, accountabilities and direct reports until March 31. And until March 31, leaders and staff in our hospitals will continue to report through whichever executive they report through now.

Over the coming months, the current team and future team will work closely together to manage a smooth transition.

At this point, the assigned portfolios for each of the members of the new team do not include significant detail beyond high level assignments. For a summary of what those portfolios look like, please click here. A detailed organizational chart has not yet been developed and will be provided at a future date.

Over the coming weeks, this newly named executive team will begin to engage leaders in discussion about next steps, particularly in areas where the new portfolios have people reporting to multiple executives. This engagement will allow the new executive team to better understand the potential impact of the new portfolios.

In addition, I would like to announce that Steve Miller has accepted an appointment as Corporate Development and Transition Lead to assist with ongoing integration work over the next two years. Reporting to me as CEO, Steve will also serve as the liaison with the South East Local Health Integration Network (SE LHIN) and Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care on integration-related accountabilities and issues. This role will also take effect April 1, 2017.

KGH Interim President and CEO Jim Flett has been instrumental in getting us to where we are today. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jim very sincerely. I look forward to his continued support and ongoing dedication to bringing our hospitals together between now and March 31.

I am looking forward to working together with this talented executive team that will help lead us into a future where our Kingston Health Sciences Centre is positioned as the leading complex-acute, specialty and ambulatory care, research and teaching hospital in our region and beyond. Please join me in congratulating the new KHSC Executive Team.

For more information please see a summary of KHSC executive portfolios and frequently asked questions.

Thank you and I look forward to meeting you all in the weeks to come.

Dr. David Pichora