The Doug Ford government is planning to:

Cut Public Health funding & close 25 out of 35 local Public Health Units, reducing them to 10.

Close 49 out of 59 local ambulance services, reducing them to 10 & close 12 of 22 local dispatch centres.

Make real-dollar cuts to public hospital funding, even though we have the fewest hospital beds left per person of any province in Canada and a crisis of hospital overcrowding. More cuts mean more services & staff cuts, less services, longer waits, more privatization & higher death rates.

Make real dollar cuts to long-term care homes, forcing municipalities to either raise taxes or cut services for elderly & chronic care residents.

New Complaint Stage Process

Below is the New process flow Chart that our union and Staffing agreed to on a go forward basis of issues or disputes related to any of the Scheduling and/or call-in process.
This will be considered part of the complaint stage of the grievance procedure, if needed, after investigation. Please
Cc union at as we be tracking issues.

With regard to workload complaints, please CC Jason,

These forms can be found on this website under Resources. Thank you!