New Complaint Stage Process

Below is the New process flow Chart that our union and Staffing agreed to on a go forward basis of issues or disputes related to any of the Scheduling and/or call-in process.
This will be considered part of the complaint stage of the grievance procedure, if needed, after investigation. Please
Cc union at as we be tracking issues.

With regard to workload complaints, please CC Jason,

These forms can be found on this website under Resources. Thank you!

A Quick Update

Hi All,

Just wanted to give a quick little update about this site. I`m just getting the hang of how to use and update it. I have added our next General Membership Meeting under the events section and I`ve begun updating the Contact Us section. Baby steps.

I should have all the information updated very soon, and I thank you for your patience.

In Solidarity,
Haley Somerville
Communications Committee