CUPE Quarantine information.

This Guide provides general information for CUPE members with respect to the various degrees of isolation, sometimes referred to as self-isolation, social distancing and quarantine, resulting from potential exposure, confirmed exposure, or confirmed infection with COVID-19 (with or without symptoms). While the risk to Canadians is still low, it is important to be prepared at the individual and community level for all possible scenarios.


Guide COVID-19 Quarantine information

Vacation Alignment for Hotel Dieu Members

Notice to All HDH Site Members.

Your vacation year will now be April 1st- March 31st. Please take this into consideration when submitting your annual vacation requests. We are also looking into merging of vacation banks and will update you once we have more information.

  • You are able to carry 1 1/2 times your vacation entitlement. For example; if you get 4 weeks vacation and you only used 2 , you can have up to 6 weeks vacation in your bank.
  • Your carry forward value along with vacation accrual up to the end of May, should equate to your full entitlement.
  • The carry forward value is automatically calculated within the SAP program.

If you have any further questions please contact the office (613) 548 – 6011

The Doug Ford government is planning to:

Cut Public Health funding & close 25 out of 35 local Public Health Units, reducing them to 10.

Close 49 out of 59 local ambulance services, reducing them to 10 & close 12 of 22 local dispatch centres.

Make real-dollar cuts to public hospital funding, even though we have the fewest hospital beds left per person of any province in Canada and a crisis of hospital overcrowding. More cuts mean more services & staff cuts, less services, longer waits, more privatization & higher death rates.

Make real dollar cuts to long-term care homes, forcing municipalities to either raise taxes or cut services for elderly & chronic care residents.